The User Experience If a political party is going to use voter roll purges as a political tactic then the only possible response is for other parties and interest groups to be ready with voter lists of their own. A kind of backup system that can reboot the rolls efficiently and effectively at election time. These groups need to manage their UX in order to build closer ties to their constituents.

Adaptation to Change Contract politics and vision failure in regional consolidation: Why Better Together doesn’t have it together.

Triangulating Outcomes A three-way race for the President of the Board of Alderman in St. Louis exposes the route to the future of coalition politics in the city.

Florida 2020 A key state in the presidential path to 270. I assemble a chart highlighting some interesting data and lay out a simple message that works.

The Road to 2020 If you compare Barack Obama’s vote totals from 1012 directly to Donald Trump’s from 2016 Trump comes out on top, barely. A quick layout of the road ahead sets up some interesting take aways to chew on.

All Food is Local The intersection of regulation and political truism causes problems. Employing a Laswellian perspective to problems presents solutions.